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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: They were guilty only of being great

2021-08-31 | Politics

On August 31, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Shahidlar Khotirasi (Memory of Victims) square.

Representatives of the general public gathered here to honor the memory of our compatriots, our ancestors who gave their lives for freedom and independence. Surahs from the Quran and dua were recited in memory of the departed. Memorial pilaf was served. 

During the Bolshevik Regime, more than 100 thousand of our compatriots who fought for national liberation were subjected to repression. Most of them were slandered as enemies of the nation and brutally shot. And others were exiled. Their families were separated, the property was confiscated. Thousands of women were widowed, and children were orphaned.

This is a sore wound not only in the heart of their descendants, but also of our entire people. Although so much time has passed since then, we all remember that terrible time with a shudder of the heart.

Since 2001, August 31 has been celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Repression. The main attention is paid to the study of the life and heritage of patriots, perpetuating their memory. 

This year, construction and landscaping activities were carried out on the alley to reconstruct the Museum of Memory of the Victims of Repression.

The Head of the state visited this museum. He got acquainted with the conditions created here, historical documents.

“It is obvious that leaders with great potential, scientists, writers, doctors, teachers were repressed. They were the best representatives of our people. The totalitarian regime did not need intelligent people who would open the eyes of the nation, strengthen its self-consciousness. They were guilty only of being great”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Unfortunately, a complete list of victims of repression has not been formed to date. On October 8, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed an Order “On additional measures for a deeper study of the heritage and perpetuating the memory of victims of repression”.

With the involvement of historians, a lot of work has begun to establish and restore the names of all victims of repression. Cooperation has also been established with archives and museums, libraries and foundations abroad, scientific expeditions are organized. More and more new information is being found in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Service, the Academy of Sciences and other organizations. 

Museums dedicated to the victims of repression have been created in Karakalpakstan and all regions. Along with official materials, they contain many historical documents and unique photographs from family archives. The names of victims of repression, their lives and activities are studied in the context of regions and districts. Based on this information, a multi-volume book “Victims of Repression” is being prepared for publication.

The President noted the need for publishing small books written in simple language for schoolchildren along with such large scientific works. Instruction was given to assign researchers of the Institute of History to the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions, to restore the names of Jadids, victims of repression in each region.

The Head of the state shared his views on the tasks of studying and teaching history.

“Before that, we approached history selectively, highlighting those places that we like, and hiding those sides that we do not like. All the moments of history, whether someone likes them or not, whether they are a matter of pride or the fact of treason, whether it is a success or failure – should be recorded objectively”, the President said.

Another step towards restoring the truth was the acquittal of 115 victims of repression by the Supreme Court on August 25. The President welcomed this decision.

“Almost a hundred years later, justice has prevailed. The names of 115 of our ancestors who fought for our national independence and were not rehabilitated have been restored. But how many more are there? It is necessary to continue the noble work aimed at restoring the honor and dignity of patriots”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

At the symbolic tombstone, a conversation took place with representatives of the older generation, scientific community and intelligentsia. The Head of the state spoke about the memory of ancestors, the value of independence and peaceful life.

“Our Jadid ancestors did everything to liberate our country, bring it out of backwardness and develop all spheres. They paid for it with their own lives. Therefore, today, in the period of independence, peace and freedom, we must remember and honor their deeds”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The importance of being vigilant about the events taking place in the world, valuing peace and tranquility was emphasized.

“All our results, such holidays are possible thanks to the peace. All our deeds should be based on science and education. We have created the Center of Islamic Civilization, Islamic Academy, International Research Centers of Imam Bukhari and Imam Termezi. The works of our great hadith collectors and theologians are being published. The new version of the Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations” also serves these purposes. I am sure that imam-khatibs and religious community will continue to contribute to improving spirituality, strengthening the atmosphere of harmony and mutual respect, and proper education of young people”, the President said.

Participants recited dua with a request to the Almighty to have mercy on the souls of the deceased, to protect the peace and well-being of Uzbekistan.

Source: UzA
