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Development of tourism and sports under discussion

2020-12-10 | Politics

On December 9, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on the ongoing activities in tourism and sports, as well as tasks for the coming year.

In Uzbekistan, tourism is developing as one of the strategic sectors of the economy. A number of decrees and resolutions have created broad conditions for its development. In particular, the number of countries with a visa-free regime has been increased from 9 to 86, and electronic visas system has been introduced for citizens of 53 countries. Business entities operating in the sphere have been fully supported, provided with subsidies and loans.

Measures on restoring and developing the country's tourism potential, taking into account the need for reviewing approaches in the context of the coronavirus pandemic were considered at the meeting.

In 2021, it is planned to attract 1.7 million foreign and 7.5 million local tourists, as well as increase the export of services in the sphere to $370 million. The most promising source in this regard is, first of all, pilgrimage tourism. There are many Muslim shrines, monuments of Judaism and Buddhism in Uzbekistan. Taking advantage of this opportunity, 700 thousand pilgrims can be attracted and the export of services worth $130 million ensured.

In this regard, it is necessary to gradually resume air services with European countries, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Japan and launch new destinations for pilgrimage tourism from the next year. The high cost of tickets for flights of national air carrier was criticized, and the task was set to reduce prices.

The Head of the state noted the lack of work to promote pilgrimage tourism and scientific approach. The importance of further promoting the tourism potential of Uzbekistan together with embassies abroad was noted. A proposal has been forwarded to simplify the visa system for citizens of countries where pilgrimage tours to Uzbekistan are very popular.

To coordinate work in this direction, it was decided to create an Interdepartmental Commission led by Deputy Prime Ministers. The Commission will systematically organize flights, simplify obtaining permits, expand the geography of flights and improve airport services.

It was noted that in the regions there are many unexplored, unknown to tourist objects. The Ministry of Culture and the Committee on Religious Affairs have been instructed to restore 300 cultural heritage and pilgrimage sites.

Abu Mansur Maturidi’s resting place and 8 other outstanding scientists buried next to him can be turned into a center of pilgrimage for Maturidism, which has 170 million followers around the world.

At the meeting, relevant instructions were given to Samarkand regional hokimiyat. The need was noted for developing a project dedicated to Islam and religious figures of the region thematic alley in Bukhara region.

“Travel around Uzbekistan!” domestic tourism program will be consistently continued next year. For this purpose, additional non-working days are established during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, Navruz, Independence Day and New Year holidays. A month, week and days of domestic tourism will also be organized for non-seasonal travel.

The President stressed the importance of extending benefits and preferences until the end of 2021 granted to tourism industry in connection with the pandemic, introducing discounts on transport and hotel services for population, and mass organization of domestic tourism.

The development of tourism facilities and infrastructure was discussed at the meeting.

Dozens of such projects are being implemented in Tashkent region’s Bostanlyk district. In particular, the second stage of Amirsoy Resort, Beldersay – Chimgan – Nanay International Resort, Khojakent Cable Car, 29 hotels and sanatoriums are being built.

Based on this experience, measures have been identified for the implementation of accelerated tourism development program in 14 districts, Khanabad and Angren cities, which have a high tourist potential, next year.

Issues of broad involvement of people in mass sports were also discussed at the meeting.

Today, only 19 percent of the country's population is covered by physical culture and sports. Problems associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive consumption of foods high in salt, sugar, fat, flour dishes and bread products are becoming more frequent.

It is known that the coronavirus infection is particularly severe in people with overweight, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. This again highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle and doing sports.

Presidential Decree of October 30 this year defines important measures for broad adoption of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports. In particular, the task was set to create “health paths” with a length of 3-5 kilometers in regional centers and cities.

At the meeting, instructions were given to create an address list of “paths”, start construction activities and create all amenities for pedestrians and cyclists.

The President focused on development of local sports infrastructure. Instructions were given to attract entrepreneurs to build private sports facilities, workout areas, mini-football, badminton, streetball and fitness halls.

It was noted that in Uzbekistan it is necessary to develop sports tourism by holding international competitions. In particular, motorsport and cycling competitions will be organized, for which a route will be developed from the regions to Bostanlyk district.

Sports tests are planned among the population to determine physical fitness and benefits for their winners. The need for conducting them first of all among schoolchildren, and in the future – other categories of the population was noted.

As is known, every district and city in the country is specialized in priority, promising and developing sports. In this regard, it is necessary to regularly hold major competitions in the regions and train talented athletes based on their specialization. To this end, the National Olympic Committee was recommended to ensure close work of sports federations in districts and cities, and to develop the Olympic movement at places.

Responsible persons reported on the discussed issues at the meeting.

Source: UzA
