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Speakers from Uzbekistan answered the question about attractiveness of Uzbekistan to investors

2020-09-05 | Economics

LONDON, September 6./ IA"DUNYO"/. According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in London, on September 3-4 the "Frontier Investor Days"online event to attract the attention of investors to the new emerging markets of Europe and Eurasia was organized by "Wood & Company"international investment bank, reports IA “Dunyo” correspondent.

During the event, separate sessions were organized for such countries as Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine, Croatia and Uzbekistan, dedicated to the issues of economic development.

The speakers from the Uzbek side were the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. SodikSafoev, Director of the Agency for Capital Market Development Mr. AtabekNazirov, Acting Chairman of the Board of the investment company "UzAssets" Mr. AkramMukhamatkulov and Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the UK Mr. Said Rustamov.

Representatives of the Senate and the Embassy informed the participants of the event about the large-scale reforms carried out in Uzbekistan in recent years, primarily in the field of economic liberalization, increasing the country's investment attractiveness, expanding trade, economic and investment ties with the states of Central Asia and other regions.

The visible practical results of the reforms were especially noted –among which the dynamic economic growth even despite of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, improvements of the republic's position in international rankings, successful entry of the republic into the international stock market.

In turn, the heads of the Agency for the Development of the Capital Market and the "UzAssets" investment company made a detailed presentation on the state and prospects for the development of the capital market in Uzbekistan, including plans to create an International Financial Center in the country, as well as privatization processes and measures to ensure investment attractiveness of enterprises with state participation.

According to the organizers, more than 100 banking and financial institutions, investment companies, pension and hedge funds, including the EBRD, HSBC, Blackrock, Fidelity, BCR Private Pension Fund, Sandglass capital advisors (UK) ltd, Dunross& Co, InterCapital Asset Management, Karoll Capital Management, Metzler Asset Management GmbH and otherstook part in the events.

Source: Information agency "Dunyo"
