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On the results of CIS Economic Council Meeting

2020-07-01 | CIS

The 86th meeting of the Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States took place on June 30, 2020, via videoconference. The agenda of the meeting included issues covering various areas of economic cooperation of CIS Member States.

Heads of delegations of the Commonwealth countries exchanged views on socio-economic situation of CIS Member States and possible collective measures to minimize the negative consequences caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
The need for preparing an Action Plan for implementation of the first stage (2021-2025) of the Strategy for Economic Development of the CIS until 2030, taking into account COVID-19 pandemic, implementation in 2019 of the Interstate Program of Innovative Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2020 and a set of measures for 2017-2020 for its implementation, information on the implementation of decisions of the Commonwealth Economic Council, a review of business climate, benefits to investors, free economic zones, industrial and scientific-technical parks of CIS Member States were considered.
Participants also discussed organizational issues, in particular, the issue of holding the next 87th meeting of the CIS Economic Council on September 11, 2020 in Tashkent was considered.
Following the meeting, participants decided to continue economic cooperation within the framework of the Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Source: UzA
