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Additional measures defined for further development of agriculture and increasing the production volume

2020-04-15 | Politics

On April 14, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on further development of agricultural sectors and increasing the food production volume.

In the current conditions of global crisis and the pandemic, agriculture has the greatest opportunities to ensure employment and income of the population and maintain economic stability.
According to international experts, as a result of the pandemic, the number of hungry people will grow by 2 times and reach 1 billion 600 million.
Uzbekistan has large reserves both to fully meet domestic demand and to increase exports. Over the past three years, all the issues necessary to increase the interest in farming have been resolved, in other words, to enrich farmers. Now responsible managers and farmers need to work in a new way to get more crops and profits.
This year will be a serious challenge for representatives of agricultural and food sectors and at the same time will give them a great chance. The people’s need for food will not decrease regardless of how long the pandemic and quarantine will last. Therefore, the goal is to double the fruit and vegetable production volume and animal husbandry.
It was noted that 55 districts specialized in fruit and vegetable growing, 86 clusters and 125 cooperatives should act as the locomotive in this direction. The need was noted for effective use of each span of orchards and vineyards, including the space between rows, repeated areas, to achieve 2-3 harvests.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Agency for Development of Horticulture and Greenhouses, and the Agency for Development of Viticulture and Winemaking are defined responsible for organizing the planting of vegetables, melons and other types of crops.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs is tasked to ensure unhindered movement of vehicles involved in agriculture and production, following the rules of quarantine.
It is necessary to fully develop 124 thousand hectares of land withdrawn from circulation this year to increase the volume of harvesting.
At present, wells have been constructed on 3 thousand hectares of Bakhmal, 5 thousand hectares of Qushrabot, 2 thousand hectares of Beshariq districts that have been withdrawn from circulation, and the layout of gardens and vineyards has begun. The importance of implementing similar projects in other regions and developing rainfed lands was noted.
The Agency for Development of Horticulture and Greenhouses and the Agency for Development of Viticulture and Winemaking will be allocated 300 billion UZS for this purpose. New gardens, vineyards and greenhouses will be leased to the population for up to 7 years with a three-year grace period.
In addition, it is planned to sell the developed land on lease for a period of 5-10 years with the condition of harvesting a certain type of food products. The funds received from this project will be used for development of new lands.
Issue of supplying seeds and mineral fertilizers was considered at the meeting.
Currently, 25-30 percent of seeds are imported from abroad, the rest is harvested by dehkans.
If China harvests 30-40 centners of leguminous crops, this figure does not exceed 20 centners in Uzbekistan, and in some regions it is even less – 7-8 centners.
It was noted that interruptions in supplying seeds are unacceptable in the conditions of the pandemic.
Every year, Uzbekistan imports about 300 thousand tons of potatoes, including 10-15 thousand tons of seed. In this regard, Kurgantepa, Bakhmal, Zaamin, Shakhrisabz, Kitab, Yangikurgan, Bulungur and Bostanlyk districts will be specialized in harvesting seed potatoes.
Another problem is that fruit and vegetable sector requires 255 thousand tons of phosphorous and 290 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, the sale of fertilizers through exchange creates a number of difficulties for dehkans.
In this regard, Uzkimyosanoat JSC was instructed to organize centers for the sale of fertilizers in 55 districts specialized in fruit and vegetable growing.

– There isn't much time left before the crops are planted. If we will not complete this work within ten days, then it will be too late. No funds – no planting, – noted the Head of the state.
Instruction was given to introduce a separate financing system for procurement and purchase of fruits and vegetables.
Tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs may be harvested in the second half of April, cherries and apricots will ripen in May. These products account for 60-70 percent of exports.
Responsible persons have been instructed to accurately calculate the export of fruit and vegetable products in the context of districts and farms, and in a short time to solve related issues that may arise in the context of the pandemic.
Uzbekistan focuses on development of animal husbandry. Resolutions were adopted on relevant specialization of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Akhangaran district of Tashkent region. A unique mechanism for stimulating the industry has been established: subsidies of up to 2 million UZS for breeding pedigree cattle and 400 thousand UZS for pedigree sheep and goats have been introduced. Modern livestock complexes are being commissioned at places.
The President noted that from now on, it is necessary to replace imports along with increasing production.
The task is set to increase the number of enterprises manufacturing feed and family animal husbandry cooperatives. Farms will be organized in each region for fattening and selling young thoroughbred cattle.
It is also necessary to strengthen the feed base and develop cooperation with the population in poultry farming.
It was noted that the experience of poultry farming based on household cooperation will be widely introduced. At the same time, the poultry enterprise will provide families with three-day-old chickens and feed. Forty days later, the cooperative will centrally purchase the prepared meat.
As is known, necessary organizational and legal framework has been created for fish farming. Last year, 200 thousand tons of fish were harvested in the country.
Intensive fish farming is established only in 0.6 percent of artificial reservoirs with an area of 38 thousand hectares. Moreover, their productivity remains low.
Instructions were given to bring the volume of fish harvesting to 350 thousand tons this year, increase the efficiency of using artificial reservoirs, develop intensive fish farming, organize fish farms and processing enterprises.
At the meeting, it was also noted that it is important to increase honey production by 5 times this year and fully utilize the capabilities of forest farms for this purpose. Tasks of creating beekeeping clusters on the basis of distribution of bee hives to the population with further purchase of manufactured products were defined.
Sericulture is one of the reserves for ensuring employment of rural population at home. Taking into account that this year it is planned to feed silkworm caterpillars in the amount of 382 thousand boxes, this will ensure employment of at least 750 thousand people.
Uzbekipaksanoat Association and the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations were tasked to effectively organize this work and stimulate families that have received a high harvest.
– As a result of these measures, we will achieve providing thousands of our citizens with jobs and increasing their income. Every minister, head of the sector should be aware of this and answer to the question: what is my role in ensuring the country’s food security? – says the President.
Heads of agricultural sectors, regional khokims reported on the issues discussed at the videoconference. Tasks assigned to regions’ responsible officials and khokims, carried out by them during the pandemic, have been critically reviewed.
