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Uzbekistan sends humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

2020-04-02 | Society

On April 1, humanitarian aid was sent to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on behalf of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to help prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

The aid consists of basic necessities to fight the coronavirus. The humanitarian aid, including medical masks, protective overalls, thermal imagers for detecting the disease, pyrometers, flour, oil, rice, laundry soap, clothes for children, was sent along the route Angren – Tashkent – Termez – Mazar-e-Sharif.
“Today there is no country in the world that would be indifferent to the fate of other countries,” said a press officer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Samandar Hikmatullayev. – Coronavirus infection has put the entire world’s population at risk. It can be defeated only by the joint efforts of all countries. The assistance provided by Uzbekistan to the Afghan people is a clear example of this cohesion.


Gayrat Khonnazarov, UzA
