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Additional measures defined to strengthen social and medical protection of the population

2020-03-27 | Politics

On March 26, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on strengthening the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection.

As it’s known, the pandemic of this disease has a negative impact on the world economy. However, bitter experience of countries that put the economy above the health of the population shows how wrong this path is.
In this regard, all forces and resources are mobilized in Uzbekistan to prevent the spread of infection and treatment of patients.
In particular, in order to provide qualified medical assistance to citizens placed in quarantine, construction of a quarantine zone for 10 thousand beds is being completed in Urtachirchik district of Tashkent region.
Two infectious diseases hospitals for 5000 beds are also being built in the region. The first unit for a thousand beds will be put into operation in the coming days.
In addition, Surkhandarya, Namangan and Navoi regions have started equipping modular clinics for a thousand places each, as well as quarantine stations.
Additional measures to strengthen social and medical protection of the population were identified at the meeting.
The Ministries of Health and Finance were instructed to purchase 300 000 rapid tests and 500 artificial lung ventilation devices, and to organize mobile laboratories in localities with a high risk of virus spreading.
Instructions were given to provide practical assistance to doctors, attract foreign specialists to improve their skills, and bring daily production of medical masks to 5 million pieces.
State bodies and non-governmental organizations have been instructed to send at least 50 percent of employees on paid vacation and transfer the remaining employees to remote work.
It was noted that people over 60 years old and suffering from chronic diseases are recommended not to leave the house, all employees of this category should be sent on vacation.
The importance of forming volunteer squads of students from medical and military higher education institutions, organizing the delivery of food, hygiene products and medicines for the elderly, families without a breadwinner, as well as to remote areas was noted.
An instruction was given to exempt medicines, substances, medical equipment and other necessary goods imported into the country from customs duties and value-added tax.
Measures are being taken to mitigate the negative impact of coronavirus outbreak on economic sectors. Many benefits and preferences for this purpose were introduced by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 19, 2020.
At the meeting, the Head of the state noted the need for providing business with even more convenience.
It was emphasized that the increased rate of property tax and land tax on unused objects of entrepreneurs will not be applied until October 1. Until November 1, enterprises facing financial difficulties due to coronavirus pandemic will not be declared bankrupt. During the quarantine period, business entities will not be charged for renting more than 3.6 thousand objects of state property. At the same time, the term for fulfilling investment obligations for all projects is extended to 6 months.
In addition, it is prohibited to suspend the Bank account of entrepreneurs during the quarantine period. Licensing of services for delivery and transportation of goods is temporarily canceled.
Special attention has been paid to issues of increasing people’s income and reducing poverty by stimulating the creation of new jobs. It was noted that the Ministry of Economy and Industry will be transformed into the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, and its main tasks have been defined.

Source: UzA
