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President: Each of us in our area of work must justify the confidence of people by practical deeds

2020-01-20 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted the need for taking measures to increase the effectiveness of the parliamentary and deputy request.

“Unfortunately, the deputy’s requests are often responded not by the head himself, but by his deputy or even the head of department. Tell me, where is the authority of the people's representative, respect for the parliament? Such an attitude is absolutely unacceptable”, the Head of the state said.
In this regard, the President proposed to legislate that the response to parliamentary and deputy requests should be given personally by the heads of ministries and agencies.
The necessity of wider introduction of information technologies in relations between voters and the deputy, improvement of the mechanism for formation of parliamentary and deputy requests was noted.
“It is necessary to raise the system of dialogue with people to a new level by launching an electronic portal and mobile applications that allow deputies to maintain constant communication with voters. This system should work so that the voter can monitor the daily activities of the deputy, discuss draft laws and express their opinion. That is, the voters should give an assessment of the activities of the deputy. Only in this way will a real bridge be created between citizens and parliament”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
It was emphasized that it is necessary to improve the work of “Mening Fikrim” (My opinion) web portal, it is advisable to organize a discussion on television and in other mass media, where the appeals received on the web portal will be discussed with participation of deputies, citizens and experts.
The President noted that deputies should set an example for everyone with their behavior, communication culture and ethical rules.
It was proposed to implement, together with the Academy of Public Administration, a new system of continuing professional development of deputies – deputy trainings.
Following his speech, the Head of the state focused on the importance of justifying the confidence of people.
“To be honored with such trust, respect and attention is a great happiness. Each of us in our area of work must justify the trust of our courageous, hardworking and noble people by practical deeds. This is not only our civic duty, but first of all our sacred duty to the Motherland”, the President said.
The issues included in the agenda of the first meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis were considered, relevant decisions were made.

Source: UzA
