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Effective parliamentary control is the executive branch effectiveness factor

2020-01-20 | Politics

In his speech at the first meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted the importance of strengthening parliamentary control.

Over the past period, new forms and mechanisms of control have been introduced. In particular, the Institute of “Government Hour” was introduced in the Legislative Chamber, when members of the government answer questions from deputies. In addition, in 2019, the practice of considering by the lower house of candidates for membership in the Cabinet of Ministers was introduced.
“With the help of effective parliamentary control, we will be able to increase the efficiency of the executive branch activity. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the practice of regularly providing responsible managers with clarifications on issues that have become the subject of wide discussion in society”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The need for strengthening the control and analytical activity of committees and other structural units of the chamber was noted.
The State Budget Office, created at the lower house, contributes to the effective formation of the budget and establishment of effective control over its implementation.
Recently, the state has allocated considerable funds to socio-economic development of the regions. However, the participation of deputies elected from these territories is imperceptible in the issue of control over their rational and efficient use. There are cases of misuse of allocated funds, theft and corruption at places.
The need for establishing by the people’s representatives of an effective control over the sphere was indicated.
“The Ministry of Finance should report to people’s representatives for each sum spent from the budget, and in the issue of targeted spending of public funds, all departments should be aware of their responsibility to parliament. The situation will change only when everyone will reckon with deputies”, the President said.

Source: UzA
