The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan



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  • New page "Open Government" Detail>>>
  • Added widget FAQs Detail>>>
  • Added a list of government agencies in the Karakalpak language Detail>>>
  • Helplines of ministries and agencies Detail>>>
  • Government portal in Karakalpak language Detail>>>

The open data portal of The Republic of Uzbekistan ( has achieved Bronze level.

2019-10-28 | Tech

The open data portal of The Republic of Uzbekistan ( has achieved Bronze level with community certified of Open Data Certificate by the Open Data Institute which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data (

Open Data Certificate is a free online tool developed and maintained by the Open Data Institute, to assess and recognise the sustainable publication of quality open data.

Open Data Certificate is an independent quality mark benchmarked against a set of tried and tested standards, to professionalise open data publication. It covers the legal, practical, technical and social requirements to support the use of sustainable open data.

To get certificate a questionnaire for data publishers assesses the level of support and steps taken to make data reusable and discoverable. Depending on the answers, ODI awards a badge that can be embedded on the publisher’s website to signify the quality level of their publication process to reusers.

Open Data Certificate provides a clear assessment of how well the data meets best practices, and provides data publishers with guidance on how to improve their data for optimal reuse.

The benefits of Open Data Certificate to publishers:

  • To be recognized for  open data publishing achievements
  • To engage with the reuser community
  • To build trust and sustainability in the use of open data
  • To be guided through best publishing practices
  • To acquire a free report on how to improve open data publishing
