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Ambassador of Uzbekistan met with the Governor of Orel region

2019-04-01 | Politics

Ambassador of Uzbekistan Botirjon Asadov visited Orel region, Russia.

At the meeting with the Governor of the region Andrey Klychkov, the current state and prospects of bilateral cooperation in trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian spheres were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the development of industrial cooperation, increasing in mutual trade through the organization of mutual supply of agricultural, textile, cable and wire, chemical and other products, the implementation of joint production projects.
The Ambassador expressed readiness to expand and intensify long-term partnership between Uzbekistan’s enterprises and major retail chains of Orel region. A proposal was made on opening trading houses on a reciprocal basis, with the organization of permanently operating products showrooms.
In turn, the Governor announced plans to establish direct links with the regions of Uzbekistan, including through the signing of relevant agreements. At the initial stage, it is planned to launch joint work with khokimiyats of Jizzakh and Namangan regions, which have great potential and mutual interest in developing cooperation with Orel region. In this regard, the Russian side received an invitation to participate in the International Investment Forum, which will be held on May 30-31, 2019 in the city of Jizzakh.
During the visit, Uzbekistan’s economic and tourism potential was presented for representatives of more than 30 companies of the region. Negotiations were held to establish partnership and create joint ventures in Uzbekistan.
According to Uzbekistan MFA, Uzbekistan delegation became acquainted with the activities of major manufacturing companies and retail enterprises of the region. Specific investment proposals for joint implementation were considered.

Source: UzA
