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Objectives for comprehensive development of Syrdarya region are defined

2019-02-20 | Politics

Gulistan hosted a meeting with participation of khokims and activists of Syrdarya region and districts, heads of ministries and agencies.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the potential of Syrdarya region in industry and provision of services is not fully utilized, there is practically no industry in rural areas. In this regard, following the results of the study conducted by a special working group, a program was developed for implementation of 342 medium and large scale projects.
In particular, implementation of three projects worth 275 million USD – modernization of Syrdarya thermal power station and Farkhad hydroelectric station, construction of a small hydroelectric station on Sardoba reservoir.
In addition, the ambassadors of Uzbekistan to China, Italy and Kazakhstan formed specific proposals for 30 projects. The President gave instructions on attracting additional investments into the region, promoting implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives, efficient use of agricultural and household land.
At the meeting, special attention was paid to issues of spirituality, culture, education and upbringing.
The Head of the state proposed to create a creative school in the city of Gulistan, which will be named after the people’s poet of Uzbekistan Khalima Khudoyberdiyeva, in accordance with good tradition that has developed in recent years. Participants of the meeting supported this initiative.

Source: UzA
