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New institutions serve people

2019-01-31 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited multidisciplinary central polyclinic of Mirzachul district.

The polyclinic received a modern building under “Obod qishloq” (Prosperous village) program. A therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, dentist, ophthalmologist, traumatologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist and other specialists are working, necessary diagnostic equipment is provided.

An electronic registration system has been introduced in the polyclinic, designed for 250 visits per day, for convenience of the population. There is a women’s counseling center, a day hospital and a social pharmacy.

The President emphasized that main attention should be paid to issues of full coverage of the population with prevention of diseases. Instructions were given on providing population with qualitative medical services and training physicians.

Source: UzA
