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Implemented activities and plans for the future are discussed

2019-01-08 | Culture

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a press conference on significance of the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On approval of the Concept for further development of national culture in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, a report on activities implemented in this sphere in 2018 and plans for 2019.

The concept includes fundamental changes in development of the national culture and covers such areas as tangible and intangible cultural values, museums, theaters, cinema and circus, musical art, pop, dancing, visual and applied arts, parks of culture and recreation, cultural centers, training and advanced training of the sphere’s personnel, cultural tourism. Within its framework, cultural centers will be organized on the basis of centers for culture and recreation, historical performances will be created on the basis of state orders, new theater buildings will be built, existing ones will be repaired and reconstructed, Virtual Museums base and Museums of Uzbekistan single portal will be formed.
According to the roadmap, developed on the basis of the concept, it is planned to conduct various festivals and creative competitions. Measures will be taken on including such sites as “Castles in the Desert”, “Rock Paintings of Sarmyshsai”, “Honbandi”, “Rock Paintings of Zarautsai”, “Ancient Termez” to UNESCO World Heritage List, publishing the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan collection, creating a record library consisting of unique national musical works.
Detailed information was provided at the press conference on the issues of preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the country, improving activity of museums, international cooperation in the sphere of culture and art, enhancing the potential of personnel and others, as well as on future plans.

Nazokat Usmanova, UzA
