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2019 is declared as the Year of Active Investments and Social Development in Uzbekistan

2018-12-28 | Politics

At the suggestion of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, 2019 has been declared as the Year of Active Investment and Social Development as a logical continuation of activities that begun in 2018 and to raise it to an even higher level.

Investment is the driver of economy, figuratively speaking, its heart. New technologies, advanced experience and highly qualified specialists come with investments into all sectors and regions, entrepreneurship is rapidly developing.
– Our highest goal is that every person in Uzbekistan, regardless of the nationality, language and religion, lived freely, in peace, prosperity and happiness, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The Head of the state outlined large-scale plans and important tasks in this direction.
Concrete measures will be taken on creating an open economy, radically improving the business environment and investment climate, reducing the state presence in the economy. Activities on improving the health of the population will continue at a new level.
– We will achieve accelerated development of our economy only by actively attracting investment, introducing new production capacity. Positive results in the economy will allow to consistently solve the accumulated problems in social sphere, – said the President.
