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The draft law has been passed in the first reading

2018-08-03 | Society

An extended meeting devoted to discussion of the draft law “On the state customs service” in a new version was held at the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Defense and Security.

It was attended by members of parliament, responsible employees of the State Customs Committee.
The Law “On the state customs service” was adopted in 1997, many of its norms do not meet the requirements of today. Priority tasks, determined by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, changing conditions and standards require its adoption in a new version.
The Legislative Chamber adopted the draft Law “On the state customs service” in the first reading. The Committee on Defense and Security is preparing it for the second reading.
At the event, the goals set in the new version of the law, its essence and content, as well as proposals and recommendations on finalization of the project were also widely discussed. Tasks on introducing the draft in the coming days to the plenary session of the Legislative Chamber for discussion in the second reading are determined.

Inobat Akhatova, UzA
