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EBRD in Uzbekistan

2018-07-13 | Economics

Karshi hosted a workshop “Mechanisms of mutual cooperation between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and small business” on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan.

At the event with participation of representatives of state and public organizations, the EBRD, entrepreneurs and media workers, it was noted that in Uzbekistan a reliable legislative framework has been created that contributes to the protection of the rights and interests of private owners.
At the event it was noted that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan are implementing a project “Advice for small business” worth 2.5 million euros.
This project envisages provision by professional experts of qualified services to business entities for introduction of advanced foreign experience at local enterprises, increasing competitiveness of business entities in the world market.
Small projects implemented within the framework of the agreement at a cost of no more than 20 thousand euros (with participation of local experts) and 60 thousand euros (with participation of foreign experts) will make a great contribution to the activities of entrepreneurs.

Ulmas Barotov, UzA 

Source: UzA
