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The number of tourists doubled

2018-07-11 | Tourism

Uzbekistan attracts thousands of tourists annually, but these figures do not fully disclose the tourism potential of the country. Therefore, decisive reforms are being carried out in the country for accelerated development of this sphere.

Summing up the results of the first half of the year, it can be confidently noted that taken actions have a positive effect. Thus, the overall figure on the number of foreign citizens entering the country increased almost twofold compared to the same period of 2017 and amounted to 2,688,962 (an increase of 91.6%).
As reported by the Press Service of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, in June, there was an increase in the number of citizens from the Republic of Korea (57.5%) and Malaysia (2.6 times), although there was a slight decrease until May 2018.

Source: UzA
