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Uzbekistan – Pakistan Business Council Meeting

2018-07-09 | Economics

In order to further develop trade and economic relations between Uzbekistan and Pakistan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan jointly with the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Islamabad organized a visit of business circles to Uzbekistan led by Deputy Chairman of Uzbekistan – Pakistan Business Council Vasik Ali Khan.

The purpose of the visit is to purchase samples of Uzbek household appliances and building materials for opening show rooms in Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi for further realization of this production throughout Pakistan.
Within the framework of the visit, the delegation met with the First Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan I.Jasimov.
The sides discussed the possibility of increasing the supply of Uzbekistan products to Pakistan market. The guests expressed their readiness to assist in establishment of dealership and distribution offices of Uzbekistan companies in Pakistan, as well as Pakistan companies in Uzbekistan. 
The sides discussed the issue of joint development of historical and religious tourism. The delegation members noted that both historical monuments of the era and sacred places of Uzbekistan for pilgrimage tourism represent mutual interest for tourists.
Following the meeting, an agreement was reached on implementing joint projects and submitting proposals to the secretariat of Uzbekistan – Pakistan Business Council on development of bilateral economic ties.
As reported by the Press Service of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the sides also reached an agreement on organization in September 2018 of the second meeting of the Business Council in Tashkent.

Source: UzA
