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Tashkent hosts Uzbekistan – Spain Business Forum

2018-06-20 | Economics

On June 19, 2018, Tashkent hosted Uzbekistan – Spain business forum “Multilateral Partnership”, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Investments, the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) and the Trade Economic Department of the Embassy of Spain, accredited in Uzbekistan.

The main goal of the forum is to promote cooperation between Uzbekistan and Spain’s companies in the field of energy, transport infrastructure, water supply and waste management, in the agro-industrial complex.

As reported by the Press Service of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, representatives of about 20 ministries and departments of Uzbekistan took part in the business forum, as well as a delegation of top managers on international trade and investment of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain, FIEM Fund of Spain and representatives of more than 20 companies of Spain, who are recognized leaders in the field of engineering and implementation of projects for construction of civil facilities and infrastructure.
Within the framework of the “Multilateral Partnership” Forum, special sessions were held with participation of representatives of the ministries of agriculture, water management, housing and communal services, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Automobile Roads, JSC “Uzbekenergo”, JSC “Uzbekneftegaz”, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
In the course of his speech, the Chairman of the CCI of Uzbekistan Adkham Ikramov noted that the Kingdom of Spain is one of the important partners of Uzbekistan in Europe. Cooperation between the two countries is developing intensively in many areas. Regular conduction of meetings at various levels, including the visit of Uzbekistan government delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan in the city of Madrid in November 2017, indicates that both sides are equally interested in strengthening mutual economic and trade cooperation.

“We are interested in developing long-term Uzbekistan – Spain cooperation. At the same time, we are ready to expand Uzbekistan – Spain trade and economic relations in such areas as exchange of experience in the field of modernization of agro-industrial complex, diversification of energy sector, development of transport and communications sector, increasing supplies of Uzbekistan’s textile, fruit and vegetable products to Spain, development of cooperation between travel companies of the two countries, increasing the volume of mutual investment and others” , – said Adkham Ikramov.

It should be noted that between the two countries there are significant reserves in cooperation in trade and economic sphere, including participation of Spanish companies in creation of high-tech industries in Uzbekistan.

Following the results of 2017, the trade turnover between the two countries amounted to 86.7 million dollars, which grew by as much as 60% compared to 2016. This indicator is also promoted by the most-favored-nation treatment that operates in bilateral trade. 
Currently, 10 enterprises with participation of Spanish investments, including 5 – joint ventures, and 5 – with 100% Spanish capital are operating in Uzbekistan. Representative offices of 2 Spanish companies are accredited in the country.

Promising areas of cooperation are mechanical equipment, pharmaceutical products, textiles, petroleum products, transport, paper and printed products, as well as food processing.

Within the framework of the business forum, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a B2B meeting, which was attended by over 40 representatives of Uzbekistan companies. Undoubtedly, conducting direct negotiations between entrepreneurs of the two countries will contribute to further development of trade and economic relations between Uzbekistan and Spain enterprises. 

Source: UzA
