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Youth issues in worldwide discussion

2018-06-14 | Society

A round table discussion on “Youth issues in worldwide discussion” was held with participation of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth Jayathma Wickramanayake, at the Youth Press Club in Tashkent. 

J. Wickramanayake, highlighting the large-scale reforms being carried out in Uzbekistan, noted that they serve as an important factor in gaining by Uzbekistan’s youth a worthy place in the world. 

At the event, views were exchanged on political and legal basis for countering violent extremism and radicalism among youth, cooperation between the state and civil society in this direction, and Uzbekistan's experience in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations. 

Proposals on the authority of youth in the international arena, assertion of their high potential, measures on protecting them from the influence of ideas alien to our mentality, increasing the innovative potential and the role of youth in expansion of international cultural relations were considered. 


Gulnoza Boboyeva, UzA
