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The scale of construction of multi-storey houses in Fergana expands

2018-06-13 | Politics

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with multi-storey houses erected on Mustakillik area of the city of Fergana. 

The Head of the state was provided with information on construction and landscaping work carried out in accordance with the master plan of Fergana. 

Construction and reconstruction of multi-storey housing are under way in accordance with the resolution of the Head of the state “On measures of implementing the Program on construction and reconstruction of affordable apartment buildings in the cities for 2017 – 2020” of November 11, 2016 in Fergana. Last year, according to this program, 5 seven-storey houses and apartments for families in need were built and put into operation in the area. The houses consist of two and three bedroom apartments, provided on the basis of preferential mortgage loans for a period of 20 years. All conditions are created for living, houses are provided with heating boilers, modern elevators are installed in entrances. 

At present, construction of 10 houses are being completed on the area, which will be commissioned this year on the eve of Independence Day. 

In 2019 and 2020, it is planned to build another 19 multi-storey houses. In total, 34 houses will be erected for 1428 apartments on the territory. In addition, it is planned to build four-storey complexes for commercial purposes, a hotel, a secondary school, a kindergarten, retail and consumer services center, and a multi-storey car park. 

The Head of the state noted that in construction of multi-apartment housing it is necessary to master the technique of erecting houses from blocks, which is widely used in countries such as Turkey and South Korea. 

– Blocks, first of all, speed up construction, create seismic resistance, in addition, the cost of production decreases, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. – Such houses are built in all developed countries. Modern technologies of block construction are also being brought to our country. This experience will further expand the scale of housing construction. 

Plans on starting building multi-storey houses for social workers, successfully working teachers and doctors, granting benefits on the initial payment were considered. Having done so, we will ensure fair treatment of their selfless labor, the Head of the state said. 

Presentation of projects on maintenance and effective use of the region’s infrastructure, repair of the heating system for multi-storey houses in Fergana, Margilan, Kuvasay and Kokand, development of drinking water supply and sewerage systems in the region was also presented here. 

The President gave corresponding assignments to khokims of the mentioned cities, which are major regional centers, on socio-economic development, addressing the population’s problems, improving the drinking water supply and housing maintenance, creating new jobs. 


Matnazar Elmurodov, UzA
