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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Military personnel should be example for all

2018-06-13 | Politics

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the military unit of the Eastern Military District on the second day of his trip to Fergana region. 

Here the Head of the state got acquainted with the work carried out on implementation of tasks set at the expanded meeting of the Security Council, watched the trainings of brigades of air paratroopers, talked with military personnel. 

Constant attention is paid to issues of social support for defenders of the Motherland, creation of decent living conditions for them. All conditions for exemplary execution by military personnel of their official duties have been created in this military unit. 

The Head of our state visited the center of cultural leisure organized in the military unit, the center of spirituality with the library, the canteen working on the system of outsourcing. 

– To love the Motherland is the best of qualities. We must educate the youth in this spirit. For this, such strong and brave young men as you should serve as an example. It is necessary to meet with youth more often, to contribute to upbringing them in the spirit of national pride, devotion to the Motherland, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

At the meeting, the need for intensifying activities on improving the living conditions of servicemen and providing them with housing was noted. To this end, activities of military-administrative sectors, organized at places, should be improved. 

Instructions were given on installation of aerodynamic simulators for training airborne paratroopers, opening training courses in parachutism at “Vatanparvar” organizations. 


Ziyodulla Jonibekov, UzA

Source: UzA
