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New prospects of cooperation: SCO Tourism University in Samarkand

2018-06-13 | Tourism

Following the summit in China, it became clear that the SCO member states are aimed at creating a common tourism space, coordinating efforts for mutual enhancement of tourist flows and improving the quality of services.

As one of the most promising tools for development of this direction, according to the Head of the state Shavkat Mirziyoyev, may become the humanitarian cooperation, namely the creation of a new educational project in the city of Samarkand, located at historical crossroads of civilizations, the University of Tourism “Silk Road”, which will unite educational and scientific potential for training specialists.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization will serve as one of the main international regional platforms where integration projects can successfully develop in expansion of opportunities for youth to receive a qualitative modern education, and for teachers and scientists to develop scientific contacts in the field of tourism.

The main mission of the University is implementation of coordinated training of highly qualified personnel on the basis of coordinated innovative educational programs in specialties of priority interest for development of tourist space and intensification of tourist exchanges of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states.

The University has a number of basic tasks. These include strengthening of cooperation, development of integration process in the field of education, expansion of cooperation in all areas of activity, provision of opportunity to obtain a sought-after specialty. At the same time, it should be noted that participation in activities of the University of partner universities will give a new impetus to expansion of multilateral educational, scientific and cultural cooperation, make an effective contribution to cooperation of member countries in political, trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural fields. Thus, activities of the University will be based on the following principles: consolidation, synchronization, dialogue, mutual respect, recognition of diversity, trust through education.

As reported by the Press Service of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, the University will become a real point of growth of network partnership between the universities of the region, which train highly qualified personnel for the tourism industry.

Opening of the university is planned for a new academic year 2018-2019, the training will take place in two directions – bachelor and master. Initially, 100 people will study at the university, mostly citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in the future the geography will expand. A single site for retraining and advanced training of employees of universities and professional colleges will also be created at the university. 
