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Fund of green climate: practice and results

2018-04-27 | Ecology

Seminar on activities of the Green Climate Fund and priorities of cooperation with it was held in Gulistan.

One of the global problems causing today serious concern around the world is climate change. These changes on the territory of Central Asia are very noticeable, and in our country this problem is given serious attention. 

As experts note, the tendency of climate warming in Uzbekistan is observed from the middle of the last century, and each ten years, the temperature on average rises by 0.29 degrees. Therefore, prevention of climate changes, development of necessary measures for adaptation to their consequences and their introduction into practice are becoming particularly important on a global scale. 

The Green Climate Fund is a global initiative. It was established in 2010, and finances projects aimed at stabilizing the climate. The Center of Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan carried out a number of projects jointly with the Fund. 

At the event, information has been provided on prospects of cooperation with the fund, prevention of negative consequences of climate change, the work which is carried out in this direction. 

The fund provides financial assistance to projects and programs through various organizations which have undergone accreditation. The staff of the fund with the assistance of Uzhydrometcenter is working on financing 7 projects offered by various organizations from regions of the republic on reduction of greenhouse gases emission.


Abdujalol Kayumov, UzA
