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III Euroasian International Book Fair

2018-04-26 | Culture

On April 25, opening ceremony of the III Eurasian International Book Fair was held at the exhibition center “Korme” in Astana, Kazakhstan. 

This exhibition is considered to be a large venue that has gathered publishing houses, printing enterprises, scientific and educational organizations, book trade facilities of Europe and Asia in one place. 

At this traditional exhibition, held for broad promotion of reader's culture among people of the world, increasing artistic thinking of people, promoting success achieved in publishing and printing sphere, creating favorable conditions for mutual exchange of experience of representatives of the sphere, participants from the countries of Europe and Asia are presenting the publishing printing products. 

Special attention was paid to the pavilion of Uzbekistan in connection with announcement of 2018 in Kazakhstan as the Year of Uzbekistan. 

Uzbekistan takes part in this exhibition as an honored guest, therefore the opening ceremony of Uzbekistan pavilion was held in a solemn atmosphere. It was attended by the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulshara Abdykalikova, akim of the city of Astana Aset Isekeshev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Kazakhstan Saidikrom Niyozkhujaev, who emphasized that cooperation based on centuries-old friendship and strategic partnership of the two countries has been consistently developing at a new level. 

At the event, the guests were presented a cultural program prepared by the team of Uzbek National Cultural Center in Kazakhstan. 

Meetings with famous writers and poets, cultural figures, book presentations, round table discussions, conferences will be held within the framework of the III Eurasian International Book Fair. 

The international exhibition will last until April 28. 
