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Delegation of Uzbekistan visited China

2018-04-23 | Society

Delegation of Uzbekistan – representatives of the Development Strategy Center, the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISIS) and the International Press Club visited the People’s Republic of China. 

Within 10 days, the delegation of Uzbekistan participated in a number of events organized by Chinese NGO Association for International Exchanges and the Administration of Shanxi. In particular, China’s Xian hosted the First Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) People’s Forum with participation of more than 80 delegates from member states, observer states and SCO dialogue partner states. 

As reported by the Development Strategy Center, within the framework of the visit, participants visited Yan’an, where they took an active part at the workshop “International Vision of Yan’an City”. During the event, representatives of the PRC government presented consistent development of China in many spheres, including the experience of development of Shanxi province. 

The delegation visited innovative greenhouses, as well as innovation centers of China in order to become familiar with the experience of the country in various areas.
