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Main indicator of the system of national accounts

2018-04-23 | Economics

In accordance with the Program of State Statistical Works, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics carried out a preliminary assessment of the gross regional product(GRP) of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city for January-March 2018. 

GRP is the main indicator of the system of national accounts, which characterizes the final result of the production activity of institutional units – residents located on the economic territory of the region, for a certain period of time. GRP is calculated by the production method, as the sum of the gross value added by types of economic activity in basic prices and net taxes on products. 

According to the Committee, the largest contribution to the formation of the GDP of the republic was made by Tashkent city with a specific weight of 16,2%. Tashkent and Kashkadarya regions occupy the following places with indicators of 9,1% and 6,3% respectively. The lowest share of GRP in formation of the republic's GDP is recorded in Syrdarya (1,6%), Jizzakh (1,9%), Khorezm (2,9%) regions. 

According to the results of January-March 2018, Surkhandarya region (23,2%) has the largest share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the GRP sector structure, Navoi region (69,1%) industry, construction – Jizzakh region (11,1%), the service sector – Namangan region (66,0%). 

The smallest share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries was registered in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (3,5%), industry in Surkhandarya region (12,2%), construction in Tashkent region (4,0%), services in Navoi region (20,2%). 
