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A bust of Amir Temur is installed in Andijan

2018-04-10 | Society

A solemn event dedicated to the 682nd anniversary of Amir Temur’s birth and the opening of the bust of Sahibkiran took place in the military unit of Andijan garrison.

The event was attended by servicemen, representatives of state and public organizations, and youth. Extensive work on construction and improvement was carried out in the military unit of Andijan garrison, it acquired a completely new look. 

The bust of Amir Temur, along with honoring the bright name, rich heritage and memory of the great ancestor, the founder of the powerful state of Sahibkiran, established on the territory of the military unit, contributes to strengthening feelings of patriotism among servicemen, especially youth, respect and pride in their ancestors. 

Participants of the event laid wreaths to the bust of Sahibkiran. The servicemen passed a solemn march, making a vivid impression on the audience. 

Khokim of Andijan region Sh.Abdurakhmonov delivered a speech at the event. 


Fakhriddin Ubaydullayev, UzA
