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In memory of the great commander

2018-04-10 | Society

Samarkand is widely celebrating the 682nd anniversary of Sahibkiran Amir Temur’s birth.

On April 9, responsible employees of khokimiyats of Samarkand region and the city of Samarkand, activists, representatives of the older generation and youth visited the mausoleum of Amir Temur and paid tribute to his memory.

Participants of the event, representatives of enterprises, organizations, educational institutions of Samarkand, servicemen laid flowers to the monument of Amir Temur.

– Samarkand had a special place in the life of the great Amir Temur and his powerful state, – said E.Musurmonov, an associate professor of Samarkand State University. – Sahikbiran has chosen this city as its capital state, landscaped and turned it into the center of science, culture, civilization. The foundation laid by the great ancestor served as the basis of prosperity for many years. And today people of the world do not forget about the glory of Samarkand and aspire to visit this ancient city at least once.

Spiritual-enlightenment events dedicated to the birthday of Amir Temur are held throughout the region. 

Golib Khasanov, photos by Alisher Isroilov, UzA
