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"Uzstandard" is improving working methods

2018-04-05 | Society

Uzstandard Agency hosted a press conference at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan. 

Head of the Press Service of Uzstandard Agency A.Rasulov, Deputy Director of the state enterprise "Uzbek National Institute of Metrology" L.Saidoripov and others noted that special attention in Uzbekistan is paid to improving standardization, metrology, certification and accreditation systems along with other spheres of the economy. 

This is evidenced by the organization of state enterprise "Uzbek National Institute of Metrology" according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures of improving activities of Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification” of April 28, 2017. Detailed report on activities of this enterprise since its foundation, achievements and plans were presented at the press conference. 

"Uzbek National Institute of Metrology" state enterprise is carrying out activities on improving and developing the national standards base. Currently, test and certification centers, metrology departments of the state enterprise started to operate in Karakalpakstan and regions. 

Participants were also informed about activities carried out on studying possibility of accession of Uzstandard Agency to Metric Convention, as well as development of the draft law “On introducing amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Metrology”. 


Nasiba Ziyodullayeva, UzA
