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Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited a private kindergarten in Shakhrisabz

2018-01-28 | Politics

The President of our country visited private preschool educational institution “Wunderkind” in Shakhrisabz, organized based on public-private partnership.

Special attention in this kindergarten is paid to studying English language and computer literacy, ensuring intellectual, aesthetic and physical development of children in accordance with state standards for the personal development of the child. 

There is a music and dance hall, sports hall, chess room, mini-puppet theater on the ground floor of the kindergarten, on the second – dining room and medical post, on the third – classrooms for prep and junior teams, two bedrooms. Playground in the courtyard is equipped with various attractions. 

President praised conditions created in the institution and instructed to build 25 private preschool educational institutions on the model of this kindergarten in Shakhrisabz, and to present a car of domestic production to Shakhnoza Holmakhmatova, head of the kindergarten, the winner of the State award named after Zulfiya. 

The main objective of building such institutions is to ensure the readiness of our children for school, said the Head of the state. 

Here Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the construction program of preschool educational institutions in Kashkadarya by the state and through public-private partnership. 


Matnazar Elmurodov, UzA

Source: UzA
