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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: formation of innovative thinking among our people is our main task

2017-12-02 | Politics

Scientific-practical center for introduction of innovations will be established in the Student town of Tashkent. 

At the initiative of the President of our country, consistent work is being carried out on innovative development of the spheres of society and leading sectors of the economy, the wide introduction of innovative ideas and technologies into production. The decree of the Head of our state “On establishment of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of November 29, 2017 will raise activities that are being carried out in this direction to a new level. 

The activity areas of the new ministry are the promotion of promising achievements in scientific-research and innovation activities in our country, development of effective mechanisms in this sphere, strengthening scientific and experimental specialized laboratories, high technology centers, technology parks and other innovation-oriented structures. 

All conditions for this will be created in the Scientific-practical center for introduction of innovations. The Ministry of Innovative Development will also be located here. 

Scientific and advisory services, the study of innovative needs of economic sectors, the support of innovative ideas of youth, distance learning courses will be provided at the institution. Talented youth will get acquainted here with new developments and technologies, as well as participate in start-up projects. 

The most important task is to form innovative thinking among our people. Where there is no innovation, there will be no development and competition. Without broad propaganda of innovations in this sphere, formation of ability to think and work in a new way among people, we will not be able to keep pace with the current rapidly changing times, scientific progress. Therefore, introduction of innovative activities to a level conforming to requirements of the present must become the main task of the new ministry and this center, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

The Head of our state gave instructions on designing the center convenient for youth and representatives of scientific community, creating all necessary conditions with the use of innovative achievements. 



Matnazar Elmurodov, UzA 
