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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev examined a new general education school in Sergeli district

2017-11-17 | Politics

All conditions for students and teachers are created in the general education school No. 55 built on the basis of modern requirements for 630 students. Light and spacious classrooms, comfortable furniture, modern teaching and laboratory equipment, a sports hall, a stadium, a canteen, in general, the proper school infrastructure are important in qualitative education of children.

In the process of large-scale reforms that are being implemented in the sphere, special attention is paid to a comprehensive study of opinions and suggestions of teachers, parents, schoolchildren, systematic approach to their practical implementation. 

Taking into account the wishes of the general public, 10th grades have been organized in general education schools since the new school year, all conditions have been created for students to continue their education on their interests at school, college or lyceum. 

It is known that in some places, schools are far from students’ homes, which creates inconveniences, affects the quality of education. All aspects related to this are taken into account in the school built on this area. According to parents, the windows of the houses are facing the school, which makes it possible to watch children on their way to school. In addition, children will have the opportunity to attend school without using vehicles. 

The President of our country, getting acquainted with the school, especially noted that such projects are of great importance in further strengthening the ongoing work in the sphere of education and upbringing. 

The Head of our state met here with the Sergeli district activists, veterans, youth, representatives of public, owners of new apartments. At the meeting, peace and tranquility in our society, conditions created for the population, people’s satisfaction with life, creation of new workplaces were considered.


Abu Bakir Urozov, photo by Sarvar Urmanov, UzA
