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Trends in information security are being studied

2017-10-31 | Tech

An annual seminar on “Information security in the sphere of communication and informatization. Problems and their solutions” was held in Tashkent.

At the event organized by the Ministry for development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it was noted that rapid development of information technologies, their further integration into all spheres of life of modern society calls for ensuring information security and creating a system that could protect users from existing cyber threats. 

Uzbekistan was one of the first in Central Asia to join the international security system in the sphere of information and communication technologies. This was facilitated by the effective system of ensuring information security created in our country, detailed study and coordination of actions of all state bodies in the fight against cyber threats. 

Issues of improving the normative-legal framework of our country that regulates the sphere of information security, ensuring effective protection from cyber threats of the “Electronic government” system were discussed at the seminar. The results of assessment of the state of information security and software systems of the state bodies of Uzbekistan were presented.


Roman Bondarchuk, UzA
