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Support for privatized enterprises – an important factor of the economic growth of our country

2017-10-28 | Politics

On October 27, a meeting under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was held on the ongoing work of raising the state policy in the sphere of development of private property and entrepreneurship on the basis of privatized state property to a qualitatively new level, effective support for privatized business entities. 

It was attended by the State Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Deputy Prime Minister, heads of relevant ministries and departments. 

A solid legislative framework is created in our country aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of private owners. Direct modern interactive forms of provision of public services are being introduced. A systematic dialogue has been established between state bodies and entrepreneurs. Reliable legal guarantees are established for the consistent support of small business and private entrepreneurship as an important factor in sustainable development of the country’s economy, creating new workplaces and improving the welfare of the population. 

The Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 outlines the actual tasks on strengthening the guarantees of reliable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of private property and entrepreneurship entities, fully supporting the categories of the population who intend to establish their own business. 

During the trips to the regions, the President of our country criticized the inefficient use of production opportunities of privatized facilities, the lack of systematic measures on long-term development of enterprises, establishment of specialized production capacities, introduction of modern technologies that are important in ensuring the competitiveness of produced products. 

In our country, joint consistent work of tax bodies, economic and statistical agencies on system analysis of financial, economic and production indicators of privatized enterprises, identification of inactive, low-profit and loss-making industries, empty and inefficiently used facilities and land plots, has been established. 

Activity of almost 40 thousand previously privatized objects was studied, it was revealed that 3900 of them are empty or not fully used. Projects and road maps have been developed on restoring activities of 2700 of these facilities or establishing new production facilities on their basis. 

Investments in the amount of 2,7 trillion sums will be attracted within the framework of these projects, more than 25 thousand workplaces will be created. To date, the activity of 420 enterprises has been restored, activity of 1800 objects will be restored until the end of the year. 

The Decree of the Head of our state “On establishment of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for assistance to privatized enterprises and development of competition” of April 18, 2017, serves as an important factor in this. 

At the meeting, the work carried out by the newly formed State Committee was reviewed, and measures taken on development and implementation of the road map aimed at improving the efficiency of activities and modernization of production, development of privatized enterprises in order to assist them in creating new workplaces, expanding production volumes of competitive products, obtaining permits, connecting to communication networks and allocating loans by commercial banks, were found unsatisfactory. 

Responsible persons were entrusted to develop and implement projects and road maps on restoration and development of activities of inactive 1200 objects with participation of their owners. 

In the current year, 408 public facilities were sold to private owners. Of these, 278 were transferred at zero cost with condition of investing 1,6 trillion sums and creating more than 10 thousand workplaces. 

Currently, 388 state facilities are on sale, of which 161 are planned to be provided at zero cost. 

At the meeting it was noted that government bodies are not paying due attention to issues of monitoring the production activities and financial-economic situation of privatized enterprises, providing them with loans and material resources, identifying existing problems and their causes, providing practical assistance to entrepreneurs in restoring the engineering and production infrastructure, searching for sales markets. 

Issues of development of competitive environment and the securities market, protection of consumer rights, licensing of exchange activities, system training, retraining and advanced training of modern personnel, and introduction of international best practice into the sphere were also discussed. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave corresponding instructions to officials on eliminating existing shortcomings in the sphere, tasks for the future. 
