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The website, is functioning

2017-10-27 | Society

The official website of the Scientific and Enlightenment Memorial Complex named after the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan –, began to function.

Materials on the website are presented in Uzbek, English and Russian. 

The website is developed with the assistance of specialists of the Center for development and introduction of computer and information technologies “UZINFOCOM”. 

The structure of the website provides familiarization of Internet users with the life and activities of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. 

Here you can find materials related to the biography, state awards, the works of Islam Karimov, the memorial of independence of our Homeland, transformations and reforms in various spheres of public and state life. 

The “Memories” section opens with the words of Sergei Lebedev – Chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States: “realization remained in the memory that Islam Karimov was clearly a bright and strong personality. Not only me, but also those who knew him, continue to note his outstanding memory, commitment, clarity of the characteristics, assessments of the situation, the prospects that he gave and denoted in his speeches”. 

Utkir Rakhmat, editor-in-chief of “Khalk suzi” and “Narodnoye slovo” (“People’s word”) newspapers, notes that “the words of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev “We always rely on the strategic principles developed by our First President of implementation of our own “Uzbek model” of development and establishment of a modern statehood” contains recognition of the success that our country managed to achieve in a quarter of a century of independence under the leadership of Islam Karimov – the great son of Uzbekistan, who dedicated his entire life to the service to the Motherland, giving all of his strength and energy, infinitely loved his people”. 

There is a mediateka on the website, where you can become familiarized with the photo and video galleries. 

The Virtual tour allows you to fully familiarize yourself with the monument to Islam Karimov in Tashkent and the adjacent territory. 

The website visitors will find a lot of interesting and cognitive information in terms of acquaintance with the history of independent Uzbekistan. 

The Scientific and Enlightenment Memorial Complex named after the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov carries out its activities in close cooperation with the Republican Charitable Public Foundation named after Islam Karimov, information about which can also be found on this website.
