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Session of Khorezm regional Kengash of people’s deputies

2017-10-15 | Politics

On October 14, 2017, an extraordinary session of Khorezm regional Kengash of people’s deputies was held. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part and delivered a speech at the session. 

The progress and results of socio-economic reforms in Khorezm region were thoroughly analyzed at the session, the actual problems and ways of their solution, the most important tasks for the future were discussed in detail, practical proposals and initiatives were forwarded. 

In accordance with the Strategy of actions on further development of Uzbekistan, large-scale activities are being carried out in Khorezm region along with all regions. 

This is evidenced by the current well-organized appearance of Khorezm region, modern residential buildings, industrial enterprises, majestic palaces, high-quality roads, wide squares and avenues, blooming gardens, educational, healthcare, cultural and sports institutions. Important factors of achieving such results have become a constant dialogue with people, the solution of pressing problems concerning people. 

Activities of the Virtual and People’s reception offices of the President, on-site receptions held at places, an absolutely new system of reporting introduced by the heads of state bodies in Kengashes of people’s deputies are giving their positive results. 

At the session it was specially noted that this year more than 14 thousand appeals were received fr om the population in the People’s reception offices of Khorezm region, 12 thousand of which were resolved positively. 

The Virtual reception office of the President on issues within the competence of the khokimiyat of the region, received 15 thousand appeals, of which 11,5 thousand, or 74 percent, were fulfilled, the rest were given appropriate explanations. 

Recently, relevant programs and investment projects have been developed on accelerated development of all spheres of life in Khorezm region, and a number of decisions of the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been adopted for ensuring their implementation. Serious positive changes are taking place in industry, agriculture, provision of services, social and communal spheres due to measures taken on implementation of these decisions. 

In accordance with the adopted programs on development of economic sectors of Khorezm region, for the first 9 months of this year, about 1,5 thousand objects of production and provision of services have been created or expanded due to 373 billion sums of investments. As a result, 6 thousand workplaces were created. In particular, the production of socks has been established at the joint textile enterprise of Shavat district, at the expense of 71 billion sums of investment. The production capacity of the company is 70 million pairs of socks per year. A project worth 35 billion sums was implemented at the enterprise on production of glass containers. 

In continuation of this work, it is planned to put into operation a number of medium and large enterprises before the end of the year. In particular, a poultry farm for 50 thousand birds in Koshkupyr, a fish processing plant with a capacity of 500 tons per year and a 1000 ton refrigerating warehouse in Khiva, a similar warehouse in Bagat districts will be organized. An enterprise on processing of 250 thousand tons of household waste per year is being built in Urgench. 

The Head of our state, noting radical changes in the agricultural sector of the region, especially appreciated the rich harvest grown in the current year in all types of crops, which became possible due to activities of farmers who selflessly worked in unfavorable weather conditions this year. So, dehkans of the region were the first in our country to fulfill contractual obligations on the sale of grain to the state and received harvest to 17 percent more than planned. In particular, the success of farms of “Madir Honka” of Khankin district, “Yusuf ugli Bobur” of Khazorasp district, “Islom Taganov”, “Sevinchbek Ikhlosbek” of Gurlen district should be noted, where 85-90 centners of grain were harvested from each hectare. 

This year people of Khorezm were the first in the country to fulfill the agreement on harvesting cotton. The activities of farms such as “Kalandar engineer” of Yangiaryk district, “Sherzod Otaniyozov” of Khankin district, “Yokub bobo ugli Omon”, “Kholmurod ugli Mansur” of Bagat district, “Muattar” of Koshkupyr district are particularly commendable, which collected an average of 45-55 centners of cotton per hectare. 

At the session, special attention was paid to the solution of the most important task for today – to make people strive to get more income and live better, to create all necessary conditions for this. It was emphasized that in this direction it is necessary to affirm the “Household plot – a source of additional income” slogan in the minds of all landowners. It was noted that this is an important factor in improving the welfare of people and ensuring food security. 

It’s not a secret for anyone that the issue of providing clean drinking water is very important for people of the region. A special fund was organized according to the State program on development of the Aral Sea area adopted in the beginning of the year. 63 billion sums are allocated from its funds this year, including 23 billion sums for improving the drinking water supply and 18 billion sums for the organization of leisure centers for the population. Next year 100 billion sums will be allocated for these activities. 

Much is being done on creation of a modern road and communication infrastructure. In particular, construction of Bukhara – Miskin railway with a total length of 335 kilometers allows passengers to save 4-5 hours. 

Next year, “Afrosiyob” high-speed train will start running along Tashkent – Khiva route. This will not only create convenience for residents of the region, but will also promote the development of tourism, which today has a priority for the region. 

Speaking about this, it is necessary to note the approved program of integrated development of tourism potential of Khorezm region and Khiva in 2017-2021. Discounts of up to 15 percent on the cost of rail and air tickets will be introduced for increasing the flow of tourists to the region. 

Today, a large tourism complex is being created in Khiva. In addition, in 2017-2021 it is planned to build and reconstruct 18 more hotels in the city, which will help to increase the tourism potential of the region. 

Over the past 9 months of this year, more than 35 thousand tourists visited the region, in the future this figure should be increased to 50 thousand, said the Head of our state. 

Reforms that are taking place in Khorezm region in the sphere of public healthcare were also analyzed at the session. In particular, creation of 65 new rural family polyclinics and 18 rural medical stations is regarded as an important step in the region. 

The opening of 18 specialized departments in cities and districts allows to provide over 13 thousand patients with medical care per year, directly wh ere they live. 

Specialists of the republican specialized medical centers conducted a medical examination of the region’s population. Dozens of experienced specialists from leading foreign clinics are also invited to the region. Complex operations were carried out with their participation, which allowed to return many patients to a healthy life. In particular, cardiac surgeries were carried out with participation of famous Russian cardiac surgeon, academician Leo Bokeria, which became a school of experience for Khorezm surgeons, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

At the session, positive changes in the sphere, in particular the fact that operations for the removal of severe heart defects, coronary artery bypass grafting and other complicated operations were successfully conducted for the first time in the regional cardiology center, emergency medical services of the region were provided with 78 cars, as a result of which, the arrival of ambulance teams to places of calls was halved. 

At the same time, it was noted that construction activities in medical associations of Khazorasp, Yangiaryk, Shavat, Khiva districts, rural family polyclinic in Urgench district were completed, construction of facilities of Khorezm branch of the Republican specialized center of cardiology and Urgench multi-profile clinic is underway. 

We all know that today issues of educating young generation, ensuring their vital interests, protection from various dangers and threats are among the most acute global problems, said the President of our country. This is often noted from various international tribunes, at authoritative conferences. We have recently clearly stated our position on this issue at the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly. 

Another issue that we pay special attention to is creating decent workplaces for our youth, noted the Head of our state. 

At the session, as the first results of the work carried out in this direction, creation of almost 42 thousand new workplaces this year in Khorezm region was noted. In addition, the fact was indicated that 32 young families moved to new apartments in Urgench that are provided on a preferential basis, the building of the Youth Center is commissioned, an information and resource center with a book fund of more than 4 thousand publications is opened. 

The President of our country, at the meeting with creative intelligentsia, particularly touched upon another issue, inextricably linked with the interests of youth. That is, relevant heads were given specific instructions on material and moral support of talented and promising young people from the spheres of science, literature, culture and art. 

At the session, information of the regional and district heads on activities carried out in this direction was heard. 

Actual issues of further strengthening the socio-spiritual situation in our country have been thoroughly discussed. Special attention is paid to ensuring a peaceful and tranquil life of the population, counteracting crime and offenses, protecting public order. 

431 public control stations were organized with involvement of the general public in makhallas of the region. As a result of practical work with almost 1800 persons, inclined to commit offenses, 655 of them returned to a healthy lifestyle. 

120 of 368 inspectors for prevention were solemnly handed the keys to houses and cars. 

Participants of the session supported the proposal of the Head of our state to turn the Khorezm region into a region completely devoid of criminality, creating a “Khorezm experience” in this sphere. 

At the session, the organizational issue was considered. On representation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the acting khokim of Khorezm region Ilgizar Sabirov was approved for the position of khokim of Khorezm region. 

Speakers at the session noted that today a new stage of development – the time of colossal transformations and updates has begun in Khorezm region, as well as throughout our country, in this process the main criterion of activity is the Strategy of actions on further development of Uzbekistan that is developed and consistently implemented under the leadership of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev. At the session, the pace of development of Khorezm region was deeply analyzed and the tasks for the future were specifically defined. 



Photo by Sarvar Urmanov, UzA
