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“Sharq taronalari” brings people and cultures together

2017-08-29 | Culture

On August 28, the opening ceremony of the XI “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival was held in Samarkand.

These days the atmosphere of a double holiday reigns in Samarkand – a place of binding different cultures and people. The thorough preparation held for the 26th anniversary of independence of our country and “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival gave a very special look to the city. The enchanting parks and alleys, well-maintained streets, fragrant flower beds are pleasing eyes and cheering up. Guests of the city from around the world, the joy on their faces say one thing – Samarkand is on the eve of a big holiday.

...The Bibi-Khanym mosque as always is full of guests from abroad – India, Australia, Ecuador, Germany and other countries. They look different, speak different languages, but they are united by a common mood of joy, tranquility and sincere enthusiasm. 

Art – a means of expressing aspirations, joys and cares, inner experiences of a human being. Music is especially strong in this, the language of which is understandable for everyone. Music acquaints and brings people and cultures together, establishes a strong spiritual connection between them. 

Anyone who visits Samarkand today can feel the festive, friendly atmosphere reigning here. “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival, established on the initiative of the First President of our country Islam Karimov 20 years ago, is held for the eleventh time. 

The festival, organized every two years, serves as a reliable means of ensuring the needs of people of the world in cultural dialogue. 

Madrasah Sherdor, Tilla-Kori, Mirzo Ulugbek seem even more beautiful and majestic in the rays of the sunset. These historical monuments, which together form a unique ensemble, give the event a special comfort and high spirit. The square is filled with spectators gathered for the opening ceremony of the “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival. Among them – participants and guests of the festival, fans of art, musicologists, domestic and foreign journalists, tourists. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the festival. 

The head of our state, welcoming the participants and guests of “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival, emphasized the deep humanistic spirit and philosophy, the important role of this festival in strengthening friendship among people, developing cultural dialogue, preserving the traditions of classical music, wished success to the festival. 

...A large theatrical concert program begins in honor of the opening of the international music festival. Enchanting melody flows above the square. Penetrating into the heart and mind, it evokes bright memories, gives birth to magical images, carries to the beautiful distance. This is the power of music. 

Why is the festival uniting people of the world held in Samarkand? A convincing answer to this question we find in the history itself. 

Since ancient times, trade between people of the West and the East has been conducted through Samarkand, different cultures have been touched and mutually enriched here. This city was considered a bridge between two parts of the world, the center of the Great Silk Road. Merchants from Samarkand drove caravans to China, Iran, Egypt, India and Byzantium. “Rome in the West, Samarkand in the East” expression became very popular, because these cities for the colossal role in the fate of mankind became famous as “eternal cities”. 

During the reign of the great Amir Temur, new pages were opened in the history of Samarkand. In the era of Amir Temur and Temurids, Samarkand was not only the capital of the state, but also the most beautiful city, a major economic, political and cultural center of the whole East. 

Kuksaroy and Bustonsaroy palaces were constructed inside the city walls, craft workshops, markets, caravanserais, hospitals, other cultural and public buildings operated. The gardens of Bagh-e Behesht, Bagh-e Dilkusha, Bagh-e Shamol, Bagh-e Baland and others have become famous all over the world. The Bibi-Khanym mosque, the mausoleum of Amir Temur, the Shakhi-Zinda complex, Mirzo Ulugbek madrasah and many other famous architectural monuments still attract travelers from all over the world. 

In Samarkand – one of the major scientific centers of our time, traces of our great ancestors, such as Mirzo Ulugbek, Khoja Ahror Vali, Kozizoda Rumi, Ali Kushchi, Sharafiddin Ali Yazdi, Davlatshah Samarkandi, Alisher Navoi, Abdurahmon Jami and others, remain. 

...Uzbek classical songs and incendiary dances are giving a real pleasure to all spectators. 

The musical art in our sacred land was developed from ancient times. The well-known historian Sharafiddin Ali Yazdi in his book “Zafarnoma” wrote about musical evenings at the court of Amir Temur: “Sweet voice singers sang different ghazals and compositions. The Turks and the Uighurs, the Mongol and the Chinese, the Arab and the Persian – each sang in their own way”. 

And today it is difficult to find a village or a makhalla in our country in which there would not be a singer or a musician. Almost every Uzbek family has musical instruments – dutar, dombra, doira, which also speaks of the boundless love of our people for art. 

In the years of independence, a great work was conducted on studying and further developing the national musical art. Shashmakom, Katta ashula, Askiya are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as masterpieces of world culture. The State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, dozens of theaters and palaces of culture, colleges and lyceums, children’s schools of music and art have been erected. Many contests and festivals contribute to the discovery of young talents, inspire the achievement of new milestones. 

“Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival is a vivid example of special attention paid to music and art in our country. 

The authority of the festival is growing, the geography of its participants is expanding. The interest of countries, international organizations and prominent artists of participating in it is increasing from year to year. If the first festival, held in 1997, involved representatives of 31 countries, then this year, artists from almost 60 countries came to the forum. The festival is held under the auspices of UNESCO, which testifies to its high authority. 

There are many other famous and recognized music festivals in the world. But “Sharq taronalari” has a special place among them, because it combines all kinds of art – music, songs, and dances. The uniqueness of this festival is widely celebrated by its participants, representing all the continents of the world. 

...The performance is becoming more and more fervent. Classical songs, folkloric melodies and national dances are exciting hearts. The audience is singing along to the artists. 

Tourists traveling to ancient Samarkand are looking reverently at Registan. They are spending hours in front of this beautiful and majestic complex, fascinatedly listening to the magic melodies spreading around... 

“Sharq taronalari” serves to preservation and development of achievements of the world’s people in the field of music, strengthens friendship and cultural ties between people, bring people together around noble ideas, promote talented youth and further strengthen international creative ties through art. 

Participants of the international music festival, in addition to performances on the main stage in the Registan square, are also presenting their concert programs in Akdarya, Samarkand, Pastdargom and Jambay districts. Meetings are held in parks and alleys, theaters, makhalla guzars, children’s music and art schools. 

Participants and guests of the music festival are visiting the unique historical monuments of Samarkand, abundant markets with products grown in our country. They are getting acquainted with the great success achieved by the selfless labor of our people in the years of independence, with large-scale creative work conducted in Samarkand.


Bekzod Khidoyatov, Golib Khasanov, photo by Sarvar Urmonov, Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
