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Further improvement and development of the national army – our priority task

2017-08-29 | Politics

On August 28, a videoconference under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, dedicated to the results of ongoing reforms in the Armed Forces of our country and the execution of urgent tasks in this direction was held in Samarkand.

The meeting was attended by members of the government, heads of relevant ministries and departments, as well as by the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent through a videoconference. 

It was noted that a fundamentally new Concept of the national security and Defense doctrine that meet the requirements not only of today, but also of the future development of the country have been developed in the years of independence. 

Implementation of specific tasks set in the Strategy of action on further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan serve as the main factor in preservation of peace and tranquility in our country, stable development and interethnic harmony, further improvement of the national army, implementation of comprehensively thought-out and consistent measures on protection of the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. 

Specific tasks on comprehensive development and strengthening of the national army, executives responsible for their implementation and terms of the execution are determined in the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 24, 2017 and documents adopted at the meeting held on January 26 of this year at the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the chairmanship of the President of the country. 

The military exercises conducted at “Kattakurgon” training ground were completed successfully, noted the head of our state at the meeting. Departments of the Ministry of Defense have demonstrated their sufficient potential in executing tasks assigned to them on protection of security and territorial integrity of the country. Exercises also showed that positive results were achieved in increasing the combat training and capabilities of our Armed Forces. Our Defense doctrine is open and transparent. I am convinced that by doing so we will achieve an increase in effective cooperation with foreign countries in the sphere of military-political relations, security and defense, emphasized the head of the state. 

Over the past short time, a number of measures have been implemented on improvement of the organizational structure of the Armed Forces. A completely new system of dialogue with people on various issues relating to the sphere of the Armed Forces has also been introduced. 

The head of our state particularly emphasized that the level of combat training of the national army, its ability to withstand any challenges posing a threat to the security of the country are directly related to the degree of equipping it with modern weapons and military equipment. 

Further strengthening of peace and tranquility, sustainable development in the country is one of our main tasks, said the President. 

The decisive and fundamental factor in achieving the strategic goals and fully implementing them is the execution of such tasks as educating comprehensively trained and highly qualified military personnel who are devoted to their homeland, and guaranteeing their social protection by the state, noted the President of our country. 

In this regard, practical work has begun on introduction and strengthening of subjects and classes on patriotic education in all educational institutions of the republic. 

At present, the first steps have been taken on organizing the corresponding activities of lyceums and colleges, which are entrusted with additional tasks on gradual and systematic training of youth for admission to higher military educational institutions. 

At the meeting it was noted that significant work has been done on strengthening the social protection of military personnel and their families, veterans of the Armed Forces. 

We must deeply understand the fact that tranquility of a military person heading to the service or performing the combat mission assigned to him is connected with this issue, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. A military person must be fully confident that his family is under guaranteed social protection of the state. 

The Program for the annual construction of multi-storey houses for military personnel, providing for the construction of new residential buildings that meet modern requirements and standards, purchasing apartments by military personnel on the basis of long-term mortgage loans has been approved. In accordance with the Program, only this year it is planned to build 56 multi-storey residential buildings for 1 224 families of military personnel. 

Care for the military personnel and their families is one of the most important tasks of the government and local governing bodies, noted the President of Uzbekistan. We must never forget one indisputable truth: “Who does not want to maintain his army, will maintain someone else’s”. 

Necessary work is being conducted on employment of citizens who have served urgent military service in order to establish inseparable links with youth who have passed the army school. 

We, above all, are working for our future, our children, who tomorrow will continue our work on development of the country, improving the welfare of the population, for the sake of their happiness and prosperity. All of us should deeply realize, fully comprehend the essence and significance of this issue, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

Committees of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the issues of defense and security, the Public council under the Ministry of Defense are actively cooperating with the Armed Forces. 

Recently, a resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted on improving activities and empowerment of the Public council under the Ministry of Defense. According to this resolution, territorial divisions of the Public council under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of the regions have been formed. 

We must widely celebrate the date of establishment of our Armed Forces – the Day of Defenders of the Motherland on the basis of completely new approaches, like a national holiday, without usual ready-made templates, noted the President of the country. 

Information of responsible leaders was heard at the meeting. The actual tasks and ways of their implementation are determined.
