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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “There is a need to further strengthen interaction of science and practice”

2017-06-23 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Fergana branch experimental farm of the Institute of genetics and experimental biology of plants of the Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan and got acquainted with the course of harvesting grain and the process of caring for cotton-plant.

Reforms implemented in the agricultural sphere of our country are yielding good results. The land has found a real master, the farms achieving significant results in harvesting cotton and grain. Currently, 13 987 farms in Fergana region are engaged in cotton growing, grain growing, livestock, horticulture and other areas of agriculture. The number of multidisciplinary farms has been growing in recent years. 

Fergana farmers have good experience in growing cotton and grain, fruits and vegetables. These days, farms are carrying out necessary agro technical measures on growing cotton. Harvesting grain is actively continuing. 

“UzFA-710” cotton variety is planted on 21,3 hectares, and “Yaksart” grain variety on 9,2 hectares of this experimental farm. Active harvesting of ripened crop of corn is in progress. More than twenty people are employed in the farm. They receive a rich harvest of cotton and grain each year. The head of our state talked with farmers harvesting grain. 

Bread is an invaluable blessing. Development of grain growing, creation of promising, high-yielding varieties, adoption of measures on increasing productivity are important tasks facing our scientists and farmers. This requires further strengthening of interaction of science and practice, said the President of our country.


Umar Asrorov, UzA
