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Fergana honey will be exported

2017-06-22 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Fergana educational-production beekeeping center.

Consistent reforms that are being implemented at the initiative of the head of our state contribute to providing abundance in our markets, supplying population with qualitative and affordable food rich in vitamins. Special attention that is paid to further development of beekeeping, wide popularization of best practices in this sphere, yields high results. 

All necessary conditions have been created in this educational-production center, organized under the regional Association of beekeepers. 600 specialists are trained in the center annually. Scientists are conducting practical courses based on modern curricula. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked with students of the college about the history of beekeeping in Fergana, medicinal properties of honey, reforms implemented in the educational process. 

Students of the technological professional college of Fergana district Botirali Mavlonov and Dilnavoz Eshmatova expressed gratitude to the President of our country for conditions created for youth, the initiative on 11-year school education. 

Over 1000 beekeeping subjects are registered in the region. Attention paid to saturation of domestic market with affordable and high-qualitative products is an important factor in expanding production of medicinal natural honey. 

The center has a scientific-research laboratory, training halls, a library, an electronic archival database, and departments for processing and packaging honey, manufacturing honeycombs, equipment and beehives. In addition, a laboratory on breeding in beekeeping, an experimental garden of almost two hectares and a sowing area for honey plants are organized. 

Training specialists on beekeeping should be established in Fergana state university, said the head of our state. Youth even from other regions will also come here to study if an institution on studying scientific foundations of this industry will be established. In addition, it is necessary to establish cooperation with foreign countries, including with the USA. It is necessary to set up an Uzbek-American joint venture, establish regular exchange of experience between specialists of the two countries. 

Moderate use of honey prevents gastrointestinal diseases, strengthens immunity. This product, rich in biologically active substances, helps to reduce blood pressure. Beeswax, propolis and milk are used in modern medicine as medicinal products. There are 4 kinds of vitamins, amino acids in the bees milk produced in pharmaceutics. 

7 thousand beehives per year, about 3 thousand pieces of overalls and masks, as well as other products are produced in the center, where 40 people are working. 

200 kilograms of honeycomb are produced per day. There is a department for packaging 200 tons of honey. 

In 2016, 20 thousand qualitative bee packages were delivered to the regions of our country, and 30 thousand for export. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the process of work in department for production of beehives and equipment. 

Presentation of projects implemented by the People’s bank was held. 

In the third quarter of 2018, cattle-breeding complex for 2 thousand cattle and project on milk processing will be used at full power in Kushtepa district of Fergana region. 180 people will be provided with workplaces in the complex, which is to be built on 560 hectares. More than 4 thousand tons of milk, 150 tons of meat will be processed, and 6 thousand tons of dairy products will be produced per year. 

Strategy for development of sericulture in Fergana region in 2017-2021, developed by “Uzbekipaksanoat” association, was approved. 

It is necessary to create mulberry plantations for further development of sericulture, said the head of our state. Importance of introducing modern technologies in the sphere, ensuring provision of permanent employment of the population in sericulture, was emphasized.


Abu Bakir Urozov, Farkhod Kurbanbayev (photo), UzA
