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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: youth education is one of the most important issues

2017-06-16 | Politics

President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev attended the general educational school No.78 in Uchtepa district of the city of Tashkent. 

In Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to education of harmoniously developed young generation. Activities on creating necessary conditions for youth in receiving modern education is being consistently continued. 

School No.78 of Uchtepa district was built in 1967. Now it is planned to reconstruct and strengthen its material and technical base. 

President of our country noted the need to strengthen relations between schools and colleges, in particular, reconstitution in the experimental order of the 11-year educational system in this school, establishment of an vocational training under the school. 

Children are formed as individuals, unifying in a team in high school classes, said the head of our state. During this period they should not be excommunicated from an adapted, habitual for them environment. This can negatively affect the psychology of youth, their attendance at school, and ultimately – on the level of education and upbringing. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of the educational process, improve training programs. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his speech of June 15 in Tashkent conference that was dedicated to issues of ensuring social justice, preserving the true essence and significance of our sacred religion of Islam, drew special attention to issues of educating the younger generation. 

As the head of our state noted, one of the most important issues always worrying us, concern the moral image of our youth, their worldview. Time is rapidly changing today. Who is most aware of these changes? Of course, the youth. Certainly, let the youth keep up with the times. However, at the same time, they should not lose their national identity. Let the idea, of who we are, the descendants of what great ancestors we are always echo in their hearts and call for being committed to national self-consciousness. How will we achieve this? Only through upbringing, upbringing and only upbringing. 

These tasks place great responsibility on school, family, makhalla, the entire community. Activities carried out in our country on improving all links in the sphere of education and upbringing – the system of preschool, school, secondary special and higher education, construction of new and reconstruction of existing educational institutions will give its results in formation of young generation as harmoniously developed individuals. 

Set of “President’s gifts” for the 1st grade students, literature for schoolchildren, a plan for preparation of public educational institutions for the new academic year were presented at school. 

Anvar Samadov, UzA 
