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A tender for the implementation of research in the field of ICT is announced


The Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications invites the heads of economic entities, scientists and specialists to take part in the competition for carrying out research works in the field of communication and information in 2018 on the following priority scientific research topics:
1.Modernization of urban and rural telecommunications networks based on optical information transmission systems.
2.Development and implementation of methods for analysis, evaluation criteria for determining the level of development of e-government.
3.Development and implementation of the system and assessment of the effectiveness of government agencies.
4.Research methods of artificial intelligence and their application to ensure information security.
5.Development of an information and analytical system for monitoring and assessing the development of ICT in the region.
6.Modernization of analogue television transmitters of the decimeter range for operation in digital format.
7.Modernization of analogue television transmitters of the decimeter range for the operation of the FM radio broadcasting organization.
8.Study the selection of the parameters of DVB-T2 transmitters, optimal for voice broadcasts.
Proposals, remarks, and changes in the proposed research topic are taken in the Department of Scientific Research and the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications of Uzbekistan
(tel. 2384389, 2363734).
Projects of scientific research are accepted by the scientific secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council  of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
The acceptance of scientific and technical projects for the contest continues until November 8, 2017. The telephone for information: 238-43-19 (scientific secretary S. Rakhimboyev).
The requirements for research work are presented in the Regulations on the procedure for conducting research and development works in the field of communication and information on a competitive basis.

Source: Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan
